What is Compliance?
In Croatian language it is translated as „compliance". As Rotsch noted, the question is „in accordance with what?“ or more concretely, „to be in compliance with the law“. That is exactly how one can define the constituent parts of the term.
"Despite the widespread use of the „Compliance“ concept, there is no definition that covers all „Compliance“ phenomena. As a means of Corporate Governance, which provides a framework for compliance with the management and supervision of economic operations, Compliance is defined in the Deutsche Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) as „compliance with the legislative provisions and economic guidelines by the administration.”
„Compliance is defined in the Deutsche Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) as “compliance with the legislative provisions and economic guidelines by the administration.”
I am Fully Compliant.
Croatian Compliance Guidelines
Croatian Compliance Guidelines developed by the Non-Governmental Expert Working Group led by the ICCrA Institute established on III. ICCrA conference on October 22, 2020, entitled "Working Group on Compliance Guidelines", download here on HRV and ENG.