
Working Group on Croatian Compliance Guidelines
Search for the most intersting detailes from the III. ICCrA Conference titeld "Working Group on Croatian Compliance Guidelines" held on the 22nd of october in the premises of Hotel Hilton Garden Inn, Zagreb with sponsorship of Croatian Government and support of US Embassy Zagreb

Compliance Officer - The roll and its duty
Increasingly dynamic regulatory changes, financial crime and fraud and the prevention of money laundering are the biggest challenges that business compliance officers will face in the future.

Compliance - Guarantor of good governanace
The discussion topic on the last week's panel 'Compliance- Safe Business Guarantee' was The role of the Business Compliance Officer in companies.

COMPLIANCE, Do you have a guardian of reputation?
Business Compliance implies alignment with regulations to be avoide the guilt of the company, of its employees and executives, all with the goal of avoidance of material damage, loss of reputation or other legal consequences. It “s probably next year will commissioner for “compliance“ must have all the companies in the majority of the state ownership, and in the private sector the function exists for a while now.